Mostly Sunny with Scattered Showers

Mostly Sunny with Scattered Showers

I’m writing this on a green, dripping Monday morning, with the smell of spring rain coming in through the open window. Typical British bank holiday weather, though this is a bonus bank holiday, so we can’t complain. This time yesterday we were waking up to blue skies,...
The Joys of Spring (and Middle-Age)

The Joys of Spring (and Middle-Age)

When I was little I remember the November excitement of waiting for the first Christmas decorations to appear. In my small town I knew the likely places for the first sightings – the farming supplies shop on the corner, the house I passed on the way to school with the...


I think February often feels like this. After the rush of new year enthusiasm and energy for clearing the decks and making plans, there’s a sort of pendulum swing back and a drawing inwards. A sense of – yes, I’m looking forward to doing this thing and getting started...

Starting Again

So here we are – January again. Happy New Year! The last time I wrote a blog post that began with those words was in 2013 (on February 27th, which was a pretty clear sign that I was falling out of the blogging habit!) so it feels like coming full circle to be writing...

In the Bleak Midwinter

I had big plans. With one book completed and delivered at the end of October, and the next at the stage of gentle gestation (as opposed to painful labour) I thought this Christmas I might finally achieve a level of festive organisation that has always previously...